Tuesday, May 20, 2014

News Summary 3

1.     Briefly summarize the issue. Include a link to the article if it is available online.

The Australian dollar has reached a three week low and is expected to lower. Iron ore prices have also decreased due to a decrease in Chinese demand.

2.     Relate the issue to one or more of the economic concepts we have discussed in class

The concept that relates to the iron ore price decline is supply and demand. The demand for Australian iron ore from China has decreased significantly, shifting the demand curve left and leaving the equilibrium price down. Since Australia is exporting the iron ore, Australia’s net exports will decrease. This will drive down the GDP down, hence the lowering of the Australian dollar.

3.     What led to this situation? Can you suggest a resolution to this problem? Are there policies that could improve the situation?

The article suggests that the lowering of the Australian dollar is related to the lowering of iron ore price. However doesn’t give any cause for the lowering in demand for iron ore from China.

Some solutions for this problem can come from the GDP equation. If the amount of consumption, investment, or government spending were to increase or imports would decrease, the GDP would increase. This GDP increase could be done by providing incentives, tax breaks, or tariffs to increase or decrease their respective variables. The government could also create new programs, of which would increase spending, that could monitor or help prevent this from happening in the future.

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